The art of training you and your dog to listen to each other. 

Listening + Trust = Obedience

The Latin root meaning of the word OBEDIENCE is “to listen”. 

As in any relationship, first you need to listen to each other.
Without listening, you will not hear what your dog needs,
and your dog will not hear what you need.

Michelle With Dogs

Trinity Dogs goes beyond basic training.

woman holding dog

Trinity Dogs teaches
you and your dog
to listen to and trust each other.

You will learn the language of your dog, 

and your dog will learn your language. 

This creates a relationship of trust between the two of you.

In both canine and human language, 

if we trust something, it means we are listening. 

Gizmo, a Trinity Dogs trained dog
Mud, a Trinity Dogs trainee
Brumby & Allison
Brumby in shark costume
Gizmo & Bonnie
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